Monday, November 19, 2007

LAD #16: Emancipation Proclamation

In the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln stated that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in rebelling states are to be totally free. However, this did not include any bumper states. Lincoln stated that the government and the military will protect this new freedom at any expense. All of the slaves in the Southern States such as Arkansas, South Carolina, Virginia, etc are to be freed of slavery forever. He further stated that the newly freed slaves could serve in the union army if they wanted to.

LAD #15: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

In his second Inaugural address, Lincoln stated that it wasn't nearly as important as the first inaugural address he made four years previous. The civil war had already begun and Lincoln began to talk about it. He stated that both sides wanted to avoid war but it was necessary in preserving the union. Lincoln also stated that the argument over slavery had been a direct cause of the Civil War. The North had pushed to abolish it while the South had pushed to spread it. Lincoln vowed that the Union army must fight until the Country is once again united and there is no more sectionalism.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

LAD #14: Dred Scott Decision

The Dred Scott decision, also known as Scott vs. Sanford, was a court case where a runaway slave Dred Scott escaped from Missouri to Illinois in order to become free. Scott tried to purchase his slavery from his owner, who refused. He then sued them in court

In the Court case, Chief Justice Taney concluded that no African-Americans were United States Citizens, whether free or slave. Therefore, African-Americans could not sue in federal courts. Taney also ruled that the Missouri Compromise was illegal since it forbade right of property to would-be slave owners above the southern border of Missouri since slaves were considered property. Therefore, the Missouri Compromise was illegal because it forbade the right to property, which was promised in the Constitution. Taney ruled that the case be decided in a lower court.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

LAD #13: Gettysburg Address

In His Gettysburg Address, Lincoln commemorates all of the good Americans that died in the battle. He stated that "Fourscore ans Seven Years ago" the country had been established. However, it was now engulfed in civil war due to disputes over slavery, economics, and the tariff. Sectionalism had grown and the South seceded from the North. Lincoln commemorated the heroes and stated that their actions would be remembered more than his speech. He blessed the soldiers in their final resting place.

LAD #12: Lincoln's First Inaugural Adress

In His first Inaugural address, Lincoln made it clear that he did not intend to end slavery where it already existed. He recognized that the southerners were fearful that he would get rid of slavery, however he reassured them that he intended on keeping slavery where it already exists. Lincoln also mentioned that he intended to protect states rights and to make America a nationalistic country once again. He stated that he would keep the fugitive slave act in place, which required a runaway slave to be returned to their masters if they escape into another state. This and other acts made sure that state rights were protected.

However, Lincoln's main objective was to keep the Union together. He stated that the union had been around for a very long time and that it must be preserved. He argued that it is unconstitutional for a state to try to secede from the union. He stated that this is a touchy topic because events such as this were not written in the Constitution. It doesn't state whether to prohibit or allow slavery and it does not say if a state can secede or not. However, Lincoln stressed that he would do whatever it takes to keep the union together. He stated that civil war must be avoided in order to maintain the prosperity that America had achieved.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

LAD #11: John Calhoun Speech

It was 1850 when someone had finally realized that the Union was in danger of splitting. This realization came when John C. Calhoun made his famous speech to the Senate. He stated that the argument over slavery could no longer be avoided and it could have ended in disunion. He believed that it was top priority to preserve the union.

Calhoun stated that the disunity was caused by the discontent of the South ever since the argument over slavery had occurred. Another cause for disunity was intense political sides such as the democrats and whigs, which split the nation into two. Another cause of the disunity was the uneven sectional balance in government. New England had been in control of the Government for quite some time and have been prospering from institutions such as the National bank. Yet another cause included the future annexation of five northern States including Maine and Oregon. The South was angry because there were no new southern territories being added to the union. These new northern territories would result in a northern advantage in the House, The Senate, and in the Electoral college. The south was also discontent because they were being taxed more heavily than the north even though the north consisted of wealthy aristocrats. If all of the new territories go through and are annexed, the North will have had control over 3/4 of the territories, leaving the balance even more lopsided. Tariffs were another reason that the Southern states had become discontent. High taxes on imports such as the Abominable Tariff infuriated the south because it hurt their trade with other countries. Finally, the issue over slavery was the final straw in the discontent. The north thought slavery was unjust and wrong. However, the south believed that it was necessary for their economy to succeed. The end result was either abolition or secession.

Calhoun stated that in order to preserve the union is to appease the southern states and to make them happy. If the federal government failed to do so, it would lead to the break in the union.

LAD #10: Polk's War Message

In President Polk's war message to congress in 1846, he addressed congress about the diplomatic relations with Mexico. The United states was currently fighting mexico. However, the United States had made many attempts at diplomatic resolutions. When the American diplomats came to Mexico, the new leader, General Paredes would not recieve him. The American trading industry had once flourished by trading with Mexico. However, after Mexican hostilities, the U.S. trade and Mexican trade both suffered.
The whole dispute had started over the land that the Texas territoy occupied. Both Mexican and Texan governments had claims to the land and often fought over boundaries. It became a problem between Mexico and America when Texas was annexed as a state in 1845. Mexican troops were now entering U.S. soil and killing American citizens. The U.S. had to defend itself and its newest state by fighting, since diplomacy had not worked. Under the leadership of General Taylor, the troops had set up camp at Corpus Christi as well as just beyond the Nueces River. Taylor was also given the President's permission to use volunteers from states such as Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
Polk asked congress to prosecute the war and to aid the support for it, in order to get it over with more promptly. Polk believed that the more volunteers that fought, the better.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

LAD #9: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848. This convention supported the expansion of women's rights and helped the women's rights movement throughout America. During the convention, delegates wrote a document called the Seneca Falls Delaration.
The Declaration stated that the men had prevented the women from exercising their right to vote for office, thereby giving them no voice in government since they were not allowed to elect officials. Men have also taken away the women's right to property and wages by claiming her wages from working and having all the power over property. In addition, men have taken away the women's right to happiness because if they ever got divorced, the man would get the money and the children, restricting the happiness of mothers and wives. Men have restricted women's liberties by giving them lesser positions in church and state and reserving the higher positions to men.
The women and men at this convention came up with a set of resolutions. They stated that women are equal to men and that they should get equal positions and equal wages. They should be given equal liberty and equal happiness that their creator has given them.