Tuesday, November 6, 2007

LAD #9: Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls convention was held in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848. This convention supported the expansion of women's rights and helped the women's rights movement throughout America. During the convention, delegates wrote a document called the Seneca Falls Delaration.
The Declaration stated that the men had prevented the women from exercising their right to vote for office, thereby giving them no voice in government since they were not allowed to elect officials. Men have also taken away the women's right to property and wages by claiming her wages from working and having all the power over property. In addition, men have taken away the women's right to happiness because if they ever got divorced, the man would get the money and the children, restricting the happiness of mothers and wives. Men have restricted women's liberties by giving them lesser positions in church and state and reserving the higher positions to men.
The women and men at this convention came up with a set of resolutions. They stated that women are equal to men and that they should get equal positions and equal wages. They should be given equal liberty and equal happiness that their creator has given them.

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