Monday, January 7, 2008

LAD #19: Populist Party Platform

In the late 19th century, the populist party rose as a third power in the presidential elections. They opposed the concentration of capital in the hands of the wealthy and supported that common American man.

The populist party also wished to increase the standard of living in America. They believed that the factory workers were not getting paid enough and conditions in America were slumping to European levels. They also believed that the corrupt corporations were decreasing the value of silver so they could benefit from the value of gold. They claimed that they were there because the parties were not doing anything to stop the corruption in the country. They supported labor unions and the rights of workers. They also believed that the government had to start intervening with the railroad companies throughout the county. They believed in unrestricted coinage of both gold and silver. They also believed that money needed to be circulated to the people faster and more money should be put into the economy.

They believed that telephone companies should be operated by the government instead of private companies. They also pledged to hold an open ballot, pension for ex-union soldiers, keep foreigners from getting American jobs, and to protect the rights of the people

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